Ziggy the Westie Pup

Ziggy the Westie Pup

Thursday, May 3, 2012

My Little Russian Gulag.. er...Puppy Pen.

Ok, folks.  So I'm trying to be generous with Jamie, here.

Really, I am.  Ok?

Don't believe me?

Come on.  I'm a puppy.

Everybody believes a puppy.

Sheesh.  What's wrong with you people?

Any way.  Maybe it's because Jamie hasn't had a puppy since 1996.  (Yeah, that makes her ancient.  But don't tell her that.  It tends to make her a wee  bit cranky outraged.)  

But seriously.  She shoves a polyester fleece blanket, a coupla Kong toys, and a food dish in that prison of mine, and she calls it "comfy and chic"?  Lady, what do I look like?!?!?!  I am a discerning puppy with a large mammalian brain and I can definitely tell when someone is pulling the wool polyester fleece blankie over my eyes.

I'm sorry... but this?????????

This is still a puppy's version of a cell in San Quentin, lady. 

Get it together.


Your extremely disappointed in you puppy,


P.S.  Also... your photography?  Leaves something to be desired.  Couldn't you bump up the ISO on that cheap hunk of plastic you keep calling an iphone?


  1. She's now just trying to disguise the fact that's it's meant for small birds. Tell her it's the big peep bed or nothing!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie

    1. Bark out loud!!!!!!! That's precisely what I mean to say! Who DOES she think she's kidding, any way!

  2. You need to find a loose clip on that thing and break yourself out! :)

  3. Ziggy, you've got a lot of training to do there. There are three of us AND SHE's had 9 dogs before us, and SHE's still not trained! Some humans are SLOW!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  4. You needs to get a puppy palace like I's got - it are da best!

    1. Sounds good, Whitley. Where can I get one?

  5. Helloooo Ziggy ~ Finley and Kippy told me to come and see the new pup on the block. Well having Kong toys counts for some points Ziggy.
    Sweet William The Scot
